This is the latest development in the concept of Expedition Far East. These ‘Individually Guided Educational Overland Journey’ © have an educational character. For the rest, the implementation and philosophy is similar to our other tours. While you enjoy a journey through a beautiful country(s) with beautiful scenery, friendly people, beautiful sunsets, vast deserts and huge mountains, we offer various workshops. During an adventure journey, we offer several workshops in ‘reality’ conditions with the option to learn by experience. These workshops are optional, but time has taught us that the participants are very happy to participate in all the workshops.
To change a tire at home in the garage can all ready be a challenge, but imagine that you have to do this on a small track in inhospitable territory. Of course we only get a flat tire when we have to rely entirely on our own, at sunset and with temperatures above 40 degrees. Then it is helpful if you can practice yourselves under guidance and less extreme conditions with fellow travellers and similar vehicles. Above all that, we learn the basics of navigating in areas where are hardly or no roads, freeing the vehicle after we are get stuck and how we can drive accurately with our huge vehicle on the centimetre. Another very important part in solo travelling with your overland vehicle are the specific key checks, which you can do to detect any problems at an early stage, so big problems can be avoided in this way or solved quickly.
The intention and main goal of this journey is twofold, firstly we would like to introduce you to the wealth of the different culture, diverse population, unique landscapes, sparkling and vivid towns and cities of the countries. But above all, we are travellers. In the remote areas, where we travel through during our educational journeys, there is hardly tourism. Therefore the local people will really spontaneously respond to our arrival as visitors.
Secondly we would like you, as upcoming or all ready established overland traveller, make familiar with the way of ‘alone’ travelling over the world with your overland expedition vehicle. The topics covered in the workshops during the journey, can be a guide for the future adventurous overland travels. Especially for travellers with a new vehicle are these journeys a valuable experience to become one with their vehicle. But also the inexperienced overland traveller will be able to develop quickly his/her knowledge during the travelling.