Terms and Conditions Expedition Far East
Expedition Far East is part of Claudio Ferrici Store Maastricht BV. These rules and requirements are applicable to Expedition Far East group journeys ‘individual guided adventurous overland journey’ for participants who travel with a campervan, overland-vehicle or 4×4 overland-vehicle.
2.1 Participants are expected to be able to accomplish the planned journey based upon their physical and psychological condition. Barring unforeseen circumstances, participants are also expected to participate in the entire journey; registration for a part of the journey is therefore not possible.
2.2 Participants with a physical or mental disability or chronicle disease must be aware that participation will not constitute a burden to the group. Registration is always done in agreement with Expedition Far East. It is recommended to take along personal medical information written in a language customary in the countries that will be visited, so it can be usable. Translations are often time consuming, therefore take into account the departure date. An international medical passport with personal data can be requested from general practitioner or pharmacy. The participant remains responsible for the consequences of a decision to participate in a group journey.
No refund is provided on the fare for activities and/or accommodation on which not has been participated.
If participants follow a special diet, they should indicate this, when they register. The tour guidance cannot be held responsible for the correct following of the dietary restrictions by external suppliers (e.g. restaurants).
2.3 Participants have to convince themselves that registration on a journey is also suitable for their campervan, overland-vehicle or 4×4 overland-vehicle. Restrictions on participation of certain vehicles are mentioned separately for each journey. This is due to some limited possibilities for certain vehicles at the specific journey.
2.4 Those persons who voluntarily choose to drive another route or stay at another overnight place, than indicated by the tour guidance thereby leave the journey. The responsibility and liability of the tour leader and organizer of the trip will be cancelled during this time. It is the responsibility of the traveller him- or herself to join the group again in time. If the traveller does not join the group again at the time agreed in advance with the tour guidance, this is his or her own responsibility and there cannot be given a refund of the fare. Also in case of breakdown, accident or illness at that time, there cannot be any claim or entitlement be done at the tour guidance and he or she is therefore left wholly to him- or herself.
2.5 In case of delays in payment or the payment is not met by the participant, the participant can be removed of the participant list. In this case, cancellation fees in accordance with the regulations of Article 10, will be charged.
2.6 By default of payment obligations, Expedition Far East will enable a debt collection agency after two reminders has been send. The costs resulting from this shall be borne by the negligent party.
3.1 The applicant is jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from the registration. All communication and payments between the participant (s) and Expedition Far East are exclusively conducted through the applicant.
3.2 During the preparation period, the information (in writing) will be provided by Expedition Far East. When prior to departure it is no longer possible, given the remaining time, the tour guidance will take this over. This requires that the phone number of the participant in the journey is known to the organization. Expedition Far East will pursue after the realization of the agreement as soon as possible, but no later than during the preparation and participant day(s) for the relevant journey, to inform the traveller about matched general information on the nationality of the participant passports, visas and any formalities about health information or on the campervan, overland-vehicle or 4×4 overland-vehicle.
3.3 The agreement is concluded by acceptance of the traveller of the offer of the tour operator. Acceptance can either directly or through the services of third parties. After conclusion of the contract, the traveller will receive a written confirmation or by email, as soon as possible, possibly in the form of an invoice.
3.4 The participant(s) provide Expedition Far East at latest at the registration, all information about himself and his notified participants that may be of interest for booking the different parts and for the implementation of the journey. Among these data are also included details regarding the physical and mental condition of the notified participants by him. All this in accordance with the questionnaire on the application form signed by the traveller(s). Regarding under-age participants on a journey of Expedition Far East, the applicant must show that, in the case it is not him or herself, that parents / guardians / carers of the relevant minors gave their consent to participate in the group. The registration has to include a copy of the passport(s) of all participant(s).
3.5 The participant(s) must at departure, be in the possession of the required documents for the concerning destination, such as a valid passport, if necessary a 2nd passport, all visa(s) which are applicable, proof of vaccinations, national and international driving license, national and international registration certificate, green card with the entries of all countries to travel in and a statement from your insurance company that your travel vehicle is insured in all the countries you will visit on this journey. Given the importance of this, the general information provided by Expedition Far East must be checked by the traveller, with the relevant institutions and bodies on applicability, completeness and actuality.
3.6 If the participant(s) is not able to undertake the journey or not able to undertake the journey entirely, due to the absence of any (valid) document or expressly indicated information by Expedition Far East, needed for the journey, such as the necessary information of the vehicle(s) at some border crossings, this and all resulting consequences or costs thereof will be for the traveller, unless the tour operator has assured to provide that document for the traveller and the absence of which can be allocated on the tour operator or the tour operator has failed in its obligation to provide the information.
The maximum number of teams/participants is determined at each journey separately. Registrations above the maximum are noted as a reserve and are without prejudice. The applicant will be informed as soon as possible. Expedition Far East distinguishes itself by travelling in small groups.
Basically pets are allowed to travel on journeys from Expedition Far East. However, there are a number of journeys, where this is not possible because of the destination, climate and/or the nature of the program. All additional costs for the pet, will be borne by the participant/owner. This will as far as known in advance, be charged as a surcharge. Costs incurred during the trip must be paid on the spot by the participant/owner. At all times counts the limitation that pets cannot accompany on excursions and meals together. Dogs must be kept on the leash at all the overnight places. The care of the pet is the responsibility of the participant. In nuisance, the participant will be called to account by the tour leader at all times and obey the request. If the nuisance has giving rise to adjustments, they do act under the terms of Article 9.4.
6.1 The published rates are per person based on participation of 2 persons per campervan, overland-vehicle or 4×4 overland-vehicle unless otherwise indicated. This includes the services and facilities as mentioned in the publications.
6.2 The published price is based on prices, exchange rates, levies and taxes, as they were known at the travel agency at the time of publication.
6.3 Expedition Far East is authorized, after the conclusion of the agreement, but no later than 14 days prior to departure of the trip, to do price increases in case there are circumstances that increase the cost of the journey. If Expedition Far East is forced to increase the cost of a journey, the participant has the right to cancel if the increase exceeds 5% of the journey price. In that case, the participant has the right to cancel the trip without any costs. In this case cancellation must be made within three working days after receipt of the notification of the increase, the refund of the monies will then be paid. However, when it comes to air-plane tickets, boat fees, fuel surcharges and (air) port taxes, this rule does not apply. Prices of these, as mentioned in publication, are an indication. Cancellation following the announcement of the final costs will therefore be treated following conditions of Article 10 of these terms.
7.1 At the conclusion of the contract, a down payment of 15% of the total agreed price must to be paid. After receiving the down payment the booking is final. The remaining amount, 85% plus (if any) not included in the fare surcharges and fees, must be paid 8 weeks before the departure date. In the event of late payment, the traveller is in default.
7.2 At registration within 8 weeks prior to the day of departure, the entire amount must be paid immediately.
8.1 The participants are expected to take care of in a perfect (technical) condition of their travel vehicle and that it meets the legal requirements of the countries through which they travel.
8.2 Expedition Far East will organize that during the preparation and participant day(s) the travel vehicle of each team will be inspected by an expert/qualified professional. The owner of the vehicle will travel in accordance with the recommendations of Expedition Far East or the expert inspector and if necessary adjust the travel vehicle for participation in the journey.
8.3 The travel vehicles must be equipped in such way that they can travel and stay without power connection for a few days. A fridge, shower and basic sanitation facilities must be present.
8.4 It is strongly recommended to give the vehicle a large service check-up at the dealer or garage, shortly before the departure.
9.1 Participants are expected to have mutual respect for each other, leave everyone in own values, have a good adaptability and a flexible attitude to make the adventurous journey succeed.
9.2 The tour leader on Expedition Far East journeys is usually formed by one or two travel companions. The tour leader is appointed by Expedition Far East and he/she with his/her partner, who has/have taken it upon them to organize and/or lead the journey. Hereby is the cooperation of all participants required. The tour leader is competent, if necessary in consultation with the management of Expedition Far East, in case of problems, to take his/her essential measures on the spot for the course of the journey and the importance of the participants.
9.3 If the implementation of a journey rises to a complaint, the participating traveller must notify the tour guidance as soon as possible at the spot, so that the tour leader can take appropriate actions for a good solution. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, a -on the spot- report of the complaint has to be made, which must be signed by the participant and tour guidance. This report of the complaint has to be submitted, within a month after the end of the journey or service to Expedition Far East, Postbus 271, 5830 AG in Boxmeer, Netherlands. If -on the spot- no report of the complaint is made, the complaint is deemed to have been resolved satisfactorily. In such cases, any liability of Expedition Far East excluded.
9.4 If the behaviour of a participant gives rise to one or more complaint(s), the tour guidance will discuss the complaint with the participant. If a complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, a report of the complaint has to be drawn up, which should be signed by the complaining participant(s) and the tour guidance. If the misconduct(s) of the participant is so severe, that the other participants in the tour or the tour leader(s) believe that further participation in the journey of the member is undesirable or that participant causes such nuisance or inconvenience, that thereby the implementation of the travel is greatly hindered, or will compromise the members of the group or organization, he/she can be excluded by the tour leader from further participation in the journey. In such a case, the removed participant from the journey is not entitled to any compensation or partial refund of the fare. If and insofar as the effects of annoyance and nuisance can be attributed to the traveller all the resulting costs will be for his/her account. The drawn up report of the complaint must be submitted to Expedition Far East, Postbus 271, 5830 AG in Boxmeer, Netherlands, within one month after the end the journey.
9.5 The traveller is obliged to follow all instructions of Expedition Far East or the tour guidance for promoting a good journey. The traveller is liable for damage caused by non-compliance with this obligation.
Cancellation of the travel agreement by the tenderer should be in writing. As the cancellation date applies the date of receipt of the letter or email. If the tenderer cancels the trip, the following amounts shall be charged:
• up to 120 days before departure 15% of the fare
• up to 45 days before departure 40% of the fare
• up to 15 days before departure 60% of the fare
• up to 8 days before departure 80% of the fare
• from the 7th day before departure 100% of the fare
Above these cancellation costs, costs which are not possible to undo costs of third parties, such as the cost of visas, tickets, insurance etc. will be charged.
11.1 Expedition Far East has the right to cancel the agreement due to significant circumstances. Significant circumstances mean circumstances of such a nature that further connectedness of the tour operator to the agreement cannot be expected reasonably.
11.2 Unforeseen local conditions and the adventurous nature of the journeys offered by Expedition Far East, may mean that before or during the journey there have changes to be made or adjustments in the travel program. This may also be the case in situations of force majeure such as political circumstances, but which in any case include a negative travel advice by the Ministry of foreign affairs, war, political unrest or turmoil, scarcity, disease, natural disasters, weather conditions, diversions, roadblocks, strikes etc. The tour guidance will ensure that the original character of the journey will be preserved as much as possible.
11.3 If the changes before the start of the journey are known, the traveller will be informed. During the journey, a change will be announced by the tour leader to the participants.
11.4 If by significant circumstances or unforeseen local conditions as described before, for (a (irreplaceable) part of) the destination of the journey, the failure of the tour guidance, or a shortage of participants, a trip cannot continue, the amount already paid by the tenderer for the journey will be refunded to him/her.
Information on vaccinations provided by Expedition Far East, should always be checked by the traveller at the appropriate authorities and institutions. It is not possible to derive any rights from the information provided by Expedition Far East. Assuming that no traveller, who participates in a group of Expedition Far East want to be of unnecessary risk for him/herself or any companion travellers, Expedition Far East relies on the fact, that everyone who participates in a group of Expedition Far East will follow up the advices and recommendations of the relevant agencies and institutions, who are experts in this matter, and the traveller will administer all the recommended vaccinations and immunizations.
The traveller is obliged to take insurance. This is to enable Expedition Far East to provide the distressed traveller all necessary and required assistance.
The minimum necessary:
● Vehicle liability insurance
● Travel insurance with coverage in the countries where will be travelled through, including a S.O.S. alarm
● Health Insurance
● Coverage in your insurance for breakdown assistance, replacement vehicle if possible and repatriation abroad
Cancellation insurance is strongly recommended. This has to be arranged within 7 days after the final booking.
If during the journey or later appears that the participant has failed to fulfil its obligations under this article then Expedition Far East is in no way liable for any damage that the participant due to the fact that he has insured himself insufficiently.
14.1 Expedition Far East is responsible for the proper execution of the journey according to the travel agreement. In this assessment, also taking into account the adventurous nature of the journey, local conditions, customs, usages and limitations of the destination and the nature of the journey can cause.
14.2 Expedition Far East is not liable for damage resulting from:
14.2a Shortcomings in the realization of the travel agreement under circumstances attributable to the traveller, which include damages that result from the mental and physically health condition of the traveller or the condition of the travel vehicle.
14.2b Influence and actions of third parties not involved in the agreement.
14.2c Circumstances which are not due to the fault of Expedition Far East and/or under the law of the prevailing standards in society cannot be allocated for reasonably to Expedition Far East.
14.2d The shortcoming in the performance due to an event which Expedition Far East, the tour leader or the person who helps in the implementation of the trip, with all due care could not foresee or forestall.
14.2e The shortcoming in the performance due to force majeure referred to in paragraph 14.3 of this article.
14.2f Force majeure situations such as natural disasters, wars, political turmoil, strikes, changes of flight schedules.
14.2g Theft, loss, damage to property.
14.2h Disease of the traveller.
14.2i Mistakes made by airlines.
14.3 Force majeure means unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of the person who pleads it and of which the consequences despite precautions could not be avoided.
14.4 Expedition Far East accepts no liability for damage for which travel and/or cancellation insurance offers coverage.
14.5 In case Expedition Far East can be held responsible for loss of travel enjoyment, or for any damage suffered by the traveller in the exercise of his profession or business, the compensation shall never exceed a maximum of one times the total amount of the cost of the journey minus the cost incurred. Excludes liability for damage sustained in force majeure situations (see also Article 14.3) and other not Expedition Far East attributable to causes, such as damage due to bad or disappointing condition of roads and signs, of camping, camper and/or overnight, the associated facilities, or lack thereof, including those.
14.6 The liability of Expedition Far East for damage other than that caused by death or injury of the traveller(s) is in all cases limited to one times the sum of the costs of the journey.
15.1 Participants in our journeys take part in the traffic, drive and act entirely at their own risk! The participant shall in no way put the organization of the journey liable for any damages resulting from possible accidents in which the participant becomes involved during the journey.
15.2 A participant in our journeys is in sufficient physical and mental condition to make the trip and the organization of this trip is not liable for damage or accidents resulting from inadequate physical or mental health.
16.1 Each tenderer declares, at registration of a journey, to agree to these regulations and to the conditions and terms of Expedition Far East. If a tenderer does not agree with these regulations, he must notify Expedition Far East in writing within two weeks of receipt of the registration form. The registration will be cancelled at that time. There will be no cancellation fees.
16.2 For visible errors and mistakes in the publications Expedition Far East is not accountable.
Expedition Far East
Steenstraat 122a
NL 5831 JJ Boxmeer
NL +31 651 097 032
Email: info@expeditionfareast.com
Mai 2013