Fascinating Morocco
With our motor-home to Morocco under the guidance of Expedition Far East.
What could we expect?
Well, what we got was beyond all expectations.
A trip to a beautifully diverse country with spectacular views and high mountains, dry deserts and snowy landscapes. And a lot of friendly people in unknown cultures. Everything was a highlight, even camping in the snow at -6 degrees frost.
And presented all that and served by the enthusiastic leadership, Hans and Nancy, who were never tired to tell, mentor and where necessary to provide help, for example if you do get stuck in loose sand.
We have been in places where the average tourist would not come and which you did not presume that you would dare to go with your own motor-home. The organization was perfect, with a route and itinerary which could be adjusted smoothly, necessary because of weather conditions.
The three weeks flew by, before we knew it we said goodbye back in Spain, with a bit of melancholy feeling. As strangers we began this journey, as friends we went home.
This calls for such a journey again, hopefully we can experience it!
Martin & Joan
Dear Hans and Nancy,
We look back with great pleasure to our journey ‘Fascinating Morocco’, which we have made with you. We enjoyed the enthusiasm with which you have inspired us. With many highlights, Very Chebby, the Todra Gorge and Dades Gorges. We are already looking forward to making a journey to Russia with you.
Netty & Chris
April 2016 Fascinating Morocco We are back home after a great vacation!
The Morocco journey went terrific in all respects. Even better than expected by the exquisite, enthusiastic and inspiring tour guide of Hans and Nancy from Expedition Far East. We had a great group and everyone was free to go wherever they wanted.
Hans and Nancy have organized and picked the best places for us to stay. Occasionally on a camping but mostly in the wild or in a parking lot in the middle of Marrakesh and Fez.
We have crossed Morocco from Melilla to Figuig, to the Algerian border to the south, among all climb the sand dunes, visited fantastic oases, the Gorges du Dades and Tohdra and a very special beautiful mountain lake at 2000 m altitude, where there was snow on the mountains, shining in the evening and morning. Too many beautiful things to mention.
We were immersed for three weeks in the warm colours of Morocco. A fantastic motorhome journey, which we will never forget. It will take a while before we have recovered from all the impressions. The pictures will help us, to remind it all.
Hans and Nancy, thank you very much !!!
André & Ditta Nicolaï
Dear Hans and Nancy,
In a few words, we try to describe how wonderful we experienced our journey. Anyone who wants to go to Morocco, should have to choose to go with you.
Fascinating Morocco: February 15 t / m March 6, 2016.
The name of the journey says exactly what it is, we think. What a pleasant country with so many different landscapes: vast desert, beautiful mountains, so incredibly many different earth tones, gorges so beautiful that it is not possible to tell in words and even to capture in photographs and then the villages / hamlets with everywhere people in the street. What differently do these people live, what a difference in culture.
The silence of beautiful places where we stayed in the wild with our campers: Plateau du Rekkam and the Red Dunes at Erg Chebbi, Aït Benhaddou, not to mention the mountain lake at 2000 meters with a thick layer of snow. The splendid oases, with as far as we could watch the palms with the delicious dattles, the Source Bleue de Meski and the contradictions in the cities of Marrakech, Fes and Chefchaouen with all the crowds and sights.
The Gorges de Dades and Thodra and a fantastic tour through it, not to mention the wonderful climb and hiking tour through the gorge. What a wonderful, memorable, impressive journey with Expedition Far East, with Hans and Nancy as enthusiastic tour leaders. They let the group individually travel and there were so many beautiful moments together.
For us summarized in two words: Fascinating Morocco!
Rob & Diny Jansen
When we got the invitation from Henk and Irene to take part on a journey through Morocco with our motorhome, we didn’t hesitated for a moment and immediately signed up, not knowing what we could await, how it would please us with a travel group and spend the most time in the great outdoors.
And what a wonderful trip we have behind us, that beautiful Morocco with its many faces, beautiful nature, sometimes an “exciting” route, nice people and fascinating cities. The group consisted of 12 teams, a huge fun group to spend our time with, as became clear very soon.
This journey, however, would not have been that great success, without the very inspiring leadership of Hans and Nancy, they let us drive the most fantastic and beautiful routes. They were always ready for us without compulsory feelings and it was great and beautiful to see that they enjoyed the journey and trip as much as we did, even though they have made this many times. The journey that we experienced with you was beyond amazing and you both deserve a ten plus!
An experience we will never forget and we certainly hope sometime in the future to make again a journey with Expedition Far East.
Guaranteed success, we now know!
Many dear greetings
Johan & Geri Bruns
Hi Nancy and Hans,
Again we want to thank you for the wonderful time that we had, because of you in Morocco. Because of your enthusiasm and passion, and see that you both also can enjoy al these wonderful things that we were able to experience in the past 3 weeks together with you in the unforgettably beautiful Morocco.
Hope that you can make many people happy with the possibility to join you at your fantastic journeys!
Dear regards,
Ad & Corrie
danke für Eure Grüße von der Fähre. Dort ist das WLAN prima. Und man kann E-Mails versenden. In Marokko ist dies wie wir feststellen konnten nicht so einfach.
Tonight, we finish our joint journey through Morocco with a dinner. With a small group of camping cars we started on 19 October in Motril on the beach in Spain. The tour guidance Nancy and Hans drive strictly at 15.00 on the beach with their impressive vehicle and do the kick off. Introduction, drinks and information of the plans for the coming days.
The border crossing to Morocco is exciting, less chaotic than expected, but still…. even more exciting things happened before that. In the parking lot after the ferry crossing we discover stowaways, first under a camper and later under the vehicle of Nancy and Hans. We are still in a part of Spain in Africa and will cross the border into Morocco the next day. Hans and Willem bring a young stowaway to the police, who doesn’t know to do anything else then let him go again. Criminalization is it not (yet), what they do: hang underneath a vehicle. Stupid it is, because we are going to Morocco and do not take the ferry to Europe, for their “promised” land. In this way we are introduced to the refugee issue, other than through the newspaper.
The border crossing is carried out by Nancy very smoothly and she takes care that the formalities are carried out quickly and efficiently. Then in Morocco we first have to get cash; Dirham, how much do you actually need? Much less than expected, will show us during the journey.
Now we really start with our journey, first headed to the east and south of Morocco, the desert and later the west, the coast and the centre, the beautiful Atlas Mountains and intriguing cities such as Marrakech and Fes.
Led by Nancy and Hans we discover so much of Morocco. A journey in which each traveller can drive independently the route every day to the accurately selected place of stay for the night. Often “in-the-wild” and occasionally on a campsite for the (for us) much needed luxury of showering and washing hair .
Your own plan for each day and a gathering place at the end of the day was a great setup for us. In this way we could explore the country ourselves, but take advantage of the preparation and experience of our guides.
That requires something of “navigating”: to be able to find the route through the navigator (tom-tom or so) by yourself and to find the right way on the map in this country is sometimes more difficult than you think. A few sometimes don’t find the good route and gets caught up in narrow and unpaved bumpy paths. Fortunately, we have our phones and Hans makes every effort to resolve the problem that has arisen and through route guidance with his M.A.N.–desert truck or through phone guidance “at a distance”. For everything there is a solution, is his credo.
Yes, and if one of the suspension bolt of the engine of one of the participants breaks down, they arrange with their contacts, that the stranded vehicle is getting transported to a garage. Miraculously, the camping car is repaired again the next day. The next day we continue our journey all together.
And then a course changing tires! One of our fellow travellers has a puncture and manages itself to arrive at the overnight place. Reason for Hans to organize directly a workshop changing a tire. With a firm hand he leads the implementation: each needs to change one of his own wheels, like at a flat tire. Very useful, because some of us could not even get their spare tire underneath the vehicle; talking about travel preparations!
Every day there is a briefing in which the route of the next day is explained. Useful for information – “… are there questions …” – but also for the feeling to travel together.
In cities such as Marrakech and Fes, Hans and Nancy guide us with a great tour of the Medina. In this way we are able to find our own way the next day in the maze of streets and markets much better.
We had a great journey, thanks to the experience of Nancy and Hans. A combination of the nature and culture of the country and we felt their responsibility to perform the journey as great and fantastic possible, with a maximum personal freedom for each of the participants, through their extensive experience and professional guidance.
Thank-you-for the Experience Morocco Pure!
Jeanne van Vliet
Willem van Douwen
wir sind seit 10 min wieder in Österreich, also wieder online. Wetter bis jetzt traumhaft schön.
Es war sooo schön mit euch und es war eine super Reise, ich denke wir sind ein gutes Team. Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächste…
Bussi an Euch 3 von Daniela und Stephan.
Hallo Hans & Nancy, 14.11.14
Wir sind immer noch an der Atlantikküste, jetzt auf
dem Weg nach Almeria. Seit einigen Tagen ist das Wetter wechselhaft
geworden. Ihr seid sicher mit einer neuen Gruppe wieder in Marokko. Dazu
viel Vergnügen.
Dein Reifenwechsel-Workshop hat mir sehr geholfen, und zwar, als der
Mantel durch einen Platten sich von der Felge gelöst hatte. Es war kein
Loch, nur wieder ein wackeliges Ventil.
So konnte ich den Reifen wieder an die Felge drücken, um ihn
aufzupumpen. Ich habe gut aufgepasst!
Viele Grüße und weiterhin alles Gute wünschen
Marion & Heide
Noch 30 cm, 20, 10 … – halt, stopp! Der Stein ist zu spitz, der muss weg.“ Schnell springe ich raus und räume den grossen und grad noch ein paar kleinere Steine aus dem Weg. Dann kann die Fahrt auf der schmalen und sehr steinigen Piste weitergehen. Unsere beiden Köpfe hängen links und rechts aus dem Fenster, immer die Reifen und den Abhang bzw. die Felswand im Blick. Ja, das haben wir in einem unserer Workshops während der 3-wöchigen Marokko-Tour gelernt. Das Fahren auf schwierigen und schmalen Pisten. 3 Wochen haben wir mit 9 weiteren Fahrzeugen von Action Mobil die Wüste und den hohen Atlas erkundet. Haben unsere Fahrzeuge noch besser kennen gelernt und Tipps & Tricks in Workshops wie „Navigation“ und „Reifenwechsel bei einem LKW“ gerlernt. Luft ablassen, bevor es auf die sandige Piste geht, Luft wieder auffüllen, wenn der Asphalt naht. Im Sand festfahren, frei schaufeln, Sandbleche und Abschleppseil einsetzen – das wurde während der Tagestouren automatisch gelernt. Denn irgendwann hat es fast jeden einmal getroffen! Ob beim Fahren im Sand oder queren eines Salzsees. Das Terrain abschätzen, die Naturgewalten und ihre Folgen kennen und den richtigen Weg jenseits der markierten Strassen finden – das macht mit der Zeit die Erfahrung aus. Und darum haben wir uns 3 Wochen im Konvoy führen lassen, durch Stein- und Sandwüsten entlang der algerischen Grenze, durch schmale hohe Schluchten im Atlasgebirge.
Wow, was für ein Gefühl, mit 17 Tonnen über Dünen zu schaukeln. Manchmal haben wir uns schon gefragt: Was machen wir hier eigentlich? Man geht es uns gut! Wir werden von Berbern staunend beobachtet und wir staunen über ihre Dromedare und voll beladenen Eselskarren.
In diesen ersten 3 Wochen erleben wir viel, haben einen strengen Zeitplan, müssen uns an Vieles erst gewöhnen und haben liebe Gleichgesinnte in der Gruppe kennen gelernt. Wir blicken auf 3 intensive Wochen zurück, nehmen viel mit und ziehen nun alleine weiter. Alle sind wieder nach Europa zurückkehrt, nur wir bleiben noch ein paar Monate länger, um das Land noch besser kennen zu lernen und die Sonne zu geniessen!
Doch bevor es zum Geniessen an die Küste geht, steht der Besuch von Marrakesch auf dem Plan.
So grüssen euch ganz herzlich aus dem 35°C-heissen Marokko
eure M. del Desierto (so hat mich ein spanischer Mitreisender getauft) und
C. der „Moustache“ (oft von den Einheimischen so gerufen…)
Hallo ihr beide nette Reisebegleiter.
Wir danken Euch für eine schöne Fahrt auf die Pisten Marokkos. Wir haben ein lehrreiches fahrt gehabt und freuen uns dass unsere Grenzen ein Stück weiter gegangen ist.
Nach Abschied haben wir ein paar schöne Tage in Spanien gehabt und das Wetter war auch gut in Süd Frankreich, und morgen sind wir wieder in Dänemark wo Arbeit und sauber machen von Brutalis, Waschmaschine, Enkelkinder und viel mehr macht unsere normales Leben. Aber ein neues Weltkarte ist auch in unsere Planung – jetzt mit West Sahara in Gelb!
Wir wünschen Euch alles Gute
Und viele Grüße
Kristen und Vibeke
Liebe Nancy, lieber Hans,
Wir sprechen oft über die Reise, denn sie war für uns ein tolles Erlebnis. Da Alle so nett und sympathisch waren, hat es viel Spaß gemacht, dabei zu sein.
Wir Danken Euch für die gute und schöne Reise die Ihr organisiert habt 🙂
Wir wünschen Euch schöne Tage im wunderschönen Marokko und sagen nochmals Danke für Alles was Ihr getan Habt, während wir überstürzt abreisen mussten.
Auf ein Wiedersehen bei einem Action Mobil Treffen freuen wir uns sehr.
L.G. Sissy + Manfred
Bonsoir Nancy, Hans,
J’ai pris le bateau de 17h nous partons vers l’Espagne.
Merci pour c’est excellente séjour.
A bientôt,
Expedition Far East
Steenstraat 122a
NL 5831 JJ Boxmeer
NL +31 651 097 032
Truck Satellite +87 077 224 3511
Mob Satellite +88 163 252 9825
Skype: hansschrijen
KvK 14077214